Let’s Go Geography Year 2

The Let's Go Geography​ Year 2 is scheduled to release August 19, and it's bigger and better than ever!

So what's new?!

Let's Go Geography Scope & Sequence

First, Year 2 starts with a lesson on the 7 Continents. Not only is it a great overview of the globe, but the Craft activity is to ​cut-&-color cool dividers for each continent so kids ​will have them for the year's Travel Journal (aka, Geography Binder). 

The schedule has been re-worked, too, eliminating Break Weeks. Which leads to this side-note about those (feel free to skip the next 2 paragraphs if ​it's TMI!) --

​Why the Break Weeks anyway? Well, originally the curriculum was created to auto-deliver each week, which meant holidays were a problem. If someone started Dec. 1, they could be emailed a lesson right at the height of Christmas. So the Break Weeks allowed catch-up days.

Now that you can download lessons whenever you want, the Break Weeks aren't necessary. But to revise that part of Year 1 would be....pretty awful. Like torture, really. So they stay there, and are gone ​the following years.

But I digress. Back to our topic.

​Each Year 2 lesson now points you to the theme country in our favorite atlas, Geography of the World. This is especially helpful ​for those with older students.

Speaking of which, ​another NEW bonus this year is a second Notebooking Page with narrower lines.  Again, a little something more for older kids​.

​Add to that, there is an a​nother plus with the videos. All videos that allow it are routed through SafeYouTube.net. The original YouTube URL is included ​just in case, but the SafeYouTube is linked.  Just another precaution for kids on the good ol' internet!

Overall, there are more videos linked in general, and a few more photos, too.

Geography of the World

​Put it all together, and Year 2 is a winner!

So what are we waiting for?!!  Well, just a few more weeks of prep work.  As it stands right now, Semester 1 is ​scheduled to deliver ​on August 19. Semester 2 ​will follow ​on ​October 28. ​

​​Since the ​full year ​is coming in stages, Memberships will be available on a Semester basis. It's all good.  Just a few more weeks! ​

About the Author

Carol Henderson is the author of the Let's Go Geography curriculum. She previously homeschooled all 5 of her now-grown kids, and currently teaches several history and geography classes at a large homeschool co-op. After creating and then using her own geography curriculum for several years, she has published it here to share with you!

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