Let’s Go Geography Year 2: An Update!

The August 19th Release Date is coming quickly! It will be Monday before you know it!

In the meantime, I wanted to give you all a quick heads up on pricing. Year 2, like Year 1, gives you 32 lessons and is priced the same.

Differences are that Year 2 gives you more Notebooking choices, more video clip choices in general, a few more photos in general, and more countries overall.

Year 2 has a Continent Introduction as the 1st lesson, and a Review Lesson as the Final Lesson. The mid-year reviews you had in Year 1 have been replaced with additional country lessons.

So… about the pricing.

Since Semester 1 will be completely finished on Monday, you are welcome to purchase with the Semester Plan. In this plan, you pay for Semester 1, and have access to only Semester 1, and 16 weeks later you are automatically billed for Semester 2. And yes, you can cancel that, but I’m sure you won’t want to! 🙂 When payment for Semester 2 processes, then you have access to the Semester 2 lessons.

HOWEVER, we are still offering the Full Year Plan, even though the full year is not yet done! Are you wondering, “Why would I ever do that?”. Well, it’s really not a bad idea. Here’s why…

Ten of the 2nd Semester lessons are complete, and will be reviewed and made available about a week after Semester 1 is up. (see below for which ones). The remaining 6 will be made available to you AS SOON AS they go up. You will have them weeks before Semester 2 kicks in on the Semester Plan mentioned above.

And did I say the Full Year Plan is cheaper overall? Yep. There you have it.

You have a few days to decide! I’ve got to get back to work!!

P.S. — The 2nd Semester Lessons that will go up first are: Greece, Ethiopia, Egypt, Israel, Russia, Kyrgystan, India, Myanmar, Japan, & Australia.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Curriculum
Download Free Continent Coloring (scroll to bottom of page).

About the Author

Carol Henderson is the author of the Let's Go Geography curriculum. She previously homeschooled all 5 of her now-grown kids, and currently teaches several history and geography classes at a large homeschool co-op. After creating and then using her own geography curriculum for several years, she has published it here to share with you!

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