Simple Homeschool Schedules for the Busy Mom

There's no doubt about it...having good homeschool schedules brings good results. After all, the times that you are the most organized are usually the times when you get the most done.

With the least amount of frustration.

And don't we all need a little more organization...& a little less frustration!

Well, the first step to be organized is to have a daily homeschool schedule to keep you on track. And that's when the magic happens.

Homeschool Schedules

Free Homeschool Schedules

So, if you are looking for free, printable homeschool schedules, I've got you covered!

Simple Homeschool Schedules

homeschool schedules

Uncluttered.  Uncomplicated.

Download our Homeschool Schedules & simplify your life!

Click below to download.  This will also subscribe you to our bi-monthly Newsletter. Well, it's usually about 2X a month, give or take. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time, but you may not want to!

Now I'm not talking about the big planners with a page for everything under the sun. No, this one is super simple. But it will make a huge difference!

I know this because I used this same schedule for years.

You see, when I was homeschooling my 5 (now adult) kids, I had a few planning helps on the side that came & went. But this simple schedule system stayed put until our homeschooling days were over.

Maybe because it was so simple?

I'm not sure!

But I do want to share it with you.

Printable Homeschool Schedules

Better yet, they are not only free, these are also PRINTABLE homeschool schedules.  

So download once, & print as many times as you want!

Simple Homeschool Schedules

homeschool schedules

Uncluttered.  Uncomplicated.

Download our Homeschool Schedules & simplify your life!

Click below to download.  This will also subscribe you to our bi-monthly Newsletter. Well, it's usually about 2X a month, give or take. Of course, you can unsubscribe at any time, but you may not want to!

The download comes with instructions & tips on how to use them.

For example, I personalized them for each child with school subject names, times of day, etc, & then photocopied the sheets and put them on a small clipboard with the rest of that child’s school books.

Every night I took a few minutes to pencil in their assignments for the following day.

Easy Peasy.

And the beauty of this is that they could start their school work in the morning without me because they knew exactly what to do.

You can see what I'm talking about with the real-life example in the photo. This is one I kept from years ago.

homeschool schedules

Crossing off the blocks when the assignments were done was a great visual to see the progress for the day. And the week.

Of course you could also plan a full week at a time rather than by the day. Whatever works.

What’s more, you can adjust anything on the schedule as you go along, adding things, dropping things, or crossing off whole days when you have something else planned.

It’s really a great system!

Homeschool Schedules -- a Gift for You!

Remember, it's free! Download these printable homeschool schedules today. It's a little gift for you from Let's Go Geography!

Oh, and about geography.  Our goal is to Make Geography the Best Part of Your Week.  Want a taste of what Let's Go is all about?  You can download a free lesson on this page!

About the Author

Carol Henderson is the author of the Let's Go Geography curriculum. She previously homeschooled all 5 of her now-grown kids, and currently teaches several history and geography classes at a large homeschool co-op. After creating and then using her own geography curriculum for several years, she has published it here to share with you!

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