Let's Go Geography is a flexible curriculum that can adapt to a variety of age levels.
Watch the Video or Read the Article to see how you can use 1 Geography Curriculum with Grades K-8 all at the same time, saving you time & money!
How does all this work in a homeschool OR a classroom?
Geography for Grades K-2
First, this geography curriculum can be used for grades K-2 as is without any adjustments.
The companion K-2 Geography Activity Book is an optional, homeschool resource to have all handouts in one place. PLUS it includes map worksheets that are not in the curriculum.
But let’s get specific so you get the full picture.
Suggested Schedule: Grades K-2
Here’s what a weekly lesson for Grades K-2 might look like:
You will need approximately 1 hour a week with early elementary geography students. And this is what that hour holds:
First, find the country on a map and color it. You may find & color other things on the same map, too, depending on the lesson. If you have the Geography Activity Book, complete the lesson’s map worksheet.
Then look at the flag, and color yours to match. These can be glued on the corresponding Flag page or in a supplemental Geography Passport. The Passport is an optional resource that is really appealing for the younger ages.
Then take 10-15 minutes to explore, watching the video clips & maybe using the optional library books or recommended atlas. You will be talking about everything you see. The curriculum does not discuss politics, wars, or any topic that would be upsetting to a child. You will want to focus on how people live, animals in the country, the country’s biggest
attractions (both in nature and man-made), and that sort of thing.
Save the best for last!! Lastly, comes a geography craft project based on something unique about that country. Too stressed for time? Just offer the themed coloring page. Some kids want to do both. Always write the name of the country on your projects to reinforce the big idea of the day.
That’s really all it is. And little by little, week by week, kids become more and more confident about their knowledge of the world. It really is that easy!
Geography for Older Students
But what about the same geography curriculum for older students?
Grades 3-5 AND 6-8 use the same curriculum, but they don’t do the coloring or crafts found in the lesson. Instead, both of these grade ranges work on creative activities appropriate for their grade, which are available in companion books.
Geography for Grades 6-8
The descriptions below concentrate on the Geography Journals (formerly called Discovery Packs) & Map Workbooks for Grades 3-5. However, Grades 6-8 have their own NEW resource called Continents, Countries, & Cultures.
Continents, Countries, & Cultures provide 2 detailed journal pages for each country. The flag is one element on the first journal page, along with basic facts & key information. The 2nd journal page has themed blocks, requiring students to research more about the country on the internet or in an atlas.
CONTINENT maps are given in the Jr. High resource, but they also have a COUNTRY map for each lesson. This 1-page worksheet allows students to zero in on the country and its landmarks each week.
Of course, Grades 6-8 also create a Geography Glossary, adding a new word each week, just like Grades 3-5. Read details about that below!
First of all, coloring the flags is fine, but older kids may want to use colored pencils, not crayons, and glue them on their “Flags of [Continent]” page, rather than the supplemental Passport.
Secondly, older students will find the country on the continent map included in the curriculum, just like the smaller kids, but they have the option of exploring even further with the map worksheet in the Continent Map Workbook.
For the final hands-on project of each lesson, most older students won’t want to color or do many of the cut-and-color geography projects that the young ones love so much. Those need to be traded for activities that match their age level.
Rather than a craft, kids in Grades 3-5 complete a journaling project at the end of each lesson. That’s where the Let’s Go Geography Geography Journals come in.
The Geography Journal has a 2-page spread of pages to coordinate with each Let’s Go lesson. There are decorated blocks for specific information on each country.
What about younger writers who want to participate?
Students in Grades 1-2 who enjoy writing can complete just the 1st page. This usually asks for the basic facts and location (map) information that can be adapted to their grade level.
Geography Glossaries
The Geography Journals also include resources to make a Geography Glossary.
Creating a Glossary starts with introducing a new geography term weekly that relates to the theme country. For instance, “glacier” for Alaska, “fjord” for Norway, “archipelago” for Denmark, or “geyser” for Iceland.
Glossary terms corresponding with each lesson are provided in the Teacher Keys.
To make a Geography Glossary, students write a definition of the word, draw or glue a picture to illustrate the word, and list specific places on the globe where the term is located.
The Glossary & its Teacher Key give coordinating terms for each lesson, resource links to find term definitions, and a printable page to use for all of it.
Optional Atlas
Although simply reviewing the highlights in each lesson will give kids enough to write about in the Discovery Pack pages for Grades 3-5, outside resources (like a book, website, or atlas) give greater detail and may allow older kids to look at topics that the little ones skip, such as government, politics, war, and history.
Outside resources are required for Grades 6-8.
What outside resources can you use?
An atlas is a very good option. Look for an atlas that lists individual countries, grouped by their continents, similar to what Let’s Go Geography does.
The curriculum gives the pages to read from DK's Geography of the World, although any atlas that features individual countries, similar to what Let's Go Geography does, will work well. Read reviews for many of these under the corresponding atlas on our More Products page.
A second option is to use the website link in the curriculum, or another geography website for kids, to investigate further. Generally speaking, typing the name of the countrywith the added words “for kids” in the Search Bar usually will give you several child-appropriate sites to visit.
And a third choice is to read from the suggested library books listed in the curriculum or similar books.
Suggested Schedule: Grade 3-5
If you plan to use this geography curriculum in a co-op or other small classroom, here is the outline of a suggested schedule. The suggested schedule for Grades 6-8 is very similar.
Detailed helps and a printable form are included in the Teachers Guide available with any Let's Go Geography Year subscription.
Suggested Schedule in a 55-minute classroom, Grades 3-5*
25 minutes -- Explore the week's country with photos, video, and outside research (students share the research they did for homework). Students finish Discovery Pack's page 2.
5 minutes -- Wrap up. Students turn in assignments. Teacher hands out new homework.
Classroom Tip: While including 3-5th graders with younger siblings has been successful in a homeschool setting, the coloring and crafts are not generally age-appropriate for an entire classroom of 3-5th graders.
Carol Henderson is the author of the Let's Go Geography curriculum. She previously homeschooled all 5 of her now-grown kids, and currently teaches several history and geography classes at a large homeschool co-op. After creating and then using her own geography curriculum for several years, she has published it here to share with you!
Hi Latorria! Thanks for your question. Year 3 is currently available. Please click the SHOP button in the Navigation Bar. The companion Discovery Pack will be released in a few weeks, and will also be listed on the SHOP page when it is available.
Just wanted to know when year 3 will be available.
Latorria White
Hi Latorria! Thanks for your question. Year 3 is currently available. Please click the SHOP button in the Navigation Bar. The companion Discovery Pack will be released in a few weeks, and will also be listed on the SHOP page when it is available.