Looking for the best world geography crafts for kids? Every one of the lessons at Let’s Go Geography brings you a Featured Craft to complement the country of the week.
And the countries are not just the usual prominent ones. Like France, or Japan, or the USA. Yes, those are included, but so are Myanmar, and Tanzania, and the list goes on. Check out all the countries included by clicking here.
Each week, kids learn about a new place on the globe. With some review or global-learning lessons sprinkled in. The lesson’s featured craft is part of the learning experience, using a theme that reinforces something special about that place.
Geography crafts in this curriculum are a big part of helping kids learn and remember what they’ve learned.
What’s more, the Let’s Go crafts usually need only common household &/or craft supplies. Colored paper, glue, tape, scissors, crayons and/or paint are pretty typical. Every now and then you might need other things, but we try to keep it low-key and do-able!
What about those times when you’re too busy for even that? The Let’s Go lessons come with a themed coloring page as well. So for those super-crazy-busy weeks, a coloring page is a great option.
Give Let’s Go a try for your geography curriculum. And enjoy making one of the best world geography crafts for kids every week!
It’s perfect for homeschools, co-ops, and small classrooms. Find out more here!