New Zealand’s Sheep

Sheep!  How can you not help but love these beautiful, gentle creatures?!  And New Zealand has their fair share dotting the landscape like a perfect picture postcard.

The good news is that New Zealand has lots of sheep.  The bad news is that they don’t have as many as they used to.  At one time the country boasted of having roughly 70 million sheep.

Sadly, that is just not the case anymore.  Yes, there are still more sheep than people, but the numbers continue to dwindle.  Evidently the dairy business is less work with more profit, and sheep farmers have been switching to livestock in droves.

It is said that Captain James Cook brought the first sheep to New Zealand, and the rest is history.  Since then sheep have always had a special place in its culture.

Equally amazing to the sheep are the dogs New Zealanders use to round them up.  Sheep farmers admit they couldn’t keep up without their dogs, and watching the owner and dog work as a team is an amazing sight.

Of course, all this finds a place in the Let’s Go lesson on New Zealand.  And the craft for the lesson is to make a sheep, of course!  You can find the New Zealand geography lesson in Year 1.

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