Get the Geography Memory Game Kids Can Make Themselves

Teacher Prep for the Geography Game

Kids make their own Geography Memory Game with these printables! Color and cut out the cards, and create a holder to keep everything in a Geography Binder. Share this with friends!

Sometimes when teaching geography you just need to liven things up a bit.  And a geography memory game is perfect.  Better yet, a geography memory game the kids can make, then play, and keep to play again later.

Geography Game Supplies

You only need basic supplies to make this Geography Memory Game .  Of course, you need the game printables. And white cardstock would be best to make game cards since it’s sturdier than copy paper. The kind sold in craft supply stores with their scrapbooking supplies works great. It’s a little easier than home printers than the heavier cardstock from office supply stores, but really either would work.

After that, you just need scissors and crayons. If you’re also making the Game Storage Page, you need an envelope, too. Easy peasy.

Teacher Prep for the Geography Game

Preview of Geography Matching Game Cards
Preview of Geography Matching Game Cards

Basically, you just print and go. There isn’t any Teacher Prep unless you have a classroom of small children who have not mastered scissors yet.

I usually pre-cut all the cards for my Kindergartners 1st graders, and 2nd grades. And I do this with a paper cutter. 

Even though some of my kids can use scissors with no problem, I went ahead and pre-cut everything for everyone. I just felt like things went more smoothly this way for an entire classroom.

And the instructions gives you hints about making everything flow well in a classroom so everyone is coloring the same cards with specific colors at the same time.   

Of course, if you homeschool, you don’t have to worry about any of that!

Assemble the Geography Game

This game is perfect for homeschools or small classrooms, and it really is super easy. First, kids assemble the Game Storage Page. This is just coloring the printable and gluing on an envelope.

Then they cut out the continent cards (if cards aren’t cut already), color the continent matches as directed, and keep everything together in their 3-ring binder to play whenever they want.

Adapt the Geography Game for Your Grade Levels

Kids in Kindergarten to Grade 1 will probably be fine making just the 10 sets of continent cards & hemisphere cards.  And you can review these concepts as they color and cut.

Kids in Grade 2 and up will want to add the 5 sets of ocean cards.  They review the continents, hemispheres, and oceans every time they play this!

I will say…the kids really liked making this Geography Memory game.  The following class, they all wanted to play their games, which they had with them in their binders.  And several reported that they had played them at home with a parent or sibling.  Success!

Check it out here.  Enjoy!

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About the Author

Carol Henderson is the author of the Let's Go Geography curriculum. She previously homeschooled all 5 of her now-grown kids, and currently teaches several history and geography classes at a large homeschool co-op. After creating and then using her own geography curriculum for several years, she has published it here to share with you!

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